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Review: Azagoth

So I came across Azagoth from my good friend Nina. She showed me the description and it sounded really good, but she said she couldn’t find anywhere to read it, so she gave up. But with my HSC looming and all my books finished, I decided to have a look for myself. And although I couldn’t download it anywhere, I found a website where I could read it online, and so I did.

Although Azagoth, written by Larissa Ione is a novella, I couldn’t help but think that the events within the novel, and the emotions of the characters etc moved a little too fast. Within a couple of days, Lilliana’s feelings towards Azagoth changed from hostility and hate to lust and love. Azagoth’s feelings didn’t change so much – he was willing to love Lilliana etc.

The events in the novel were, to say the least, interesting. I loved the amount of description and I also loved the fact that Azagoth and Lilliana didn’t wait until they were ‘together’ or anything to have sex – I’m kind of sick of waiting until the end of the book for anything to happen. But damn, all of those scenes had me like:

Anyways, I did enjoy the events of the book, although some things moved fast and conclusions were jumped to. But it’s a novella, so I guess things cant really be taken slow. However, I do wish that it was a bit longer as I would’ve liked to read more about the growing relationship between Lilliana and Azagoth.

I recommend it for anyone who has an interest in angels and all that stuff to do with heaven, and also those who love a steamy relationship. Overall, I give it a:

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