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Review: Perfect Chemistry

The props for this recommendation once again goes to my good friend Nins – thanks again. So the world-building within the novel Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles was average I guess, it was pretty much a high school setting which is pretty normal. However, the gang and the Mexicano side of the book didn’t have much detail, I didn’t feel like I learned a whole lot, or even knew a whole lot about it all. Also, I felt that the character development was kind of lacking. I kind of got the impression that the characters within the novel didn’t have much depth and their development was kind of slow and not at all real, I guess, in terms of the situation.

So I had a few minor frustrations while reading this story. I felt that the relationship between Brittany and Alex moved way too fast, and the break-up between Brittany and Colin was not at all real. I felt that there was a real lack of emotion and depth from all characters and the storyline. Also at the end of the novel, I’m usually rooting for the happy ending and for the hero to beat all odds and come out on top, but I felt that the fact that Alex beats the odds he faced was kind of unrealistic.

Also, I just want to address the ending of the novel, where I nearly threw my phone across the room because I hated it? Okay, so Alex pretty much left Brittany and it had been ten months and they both still hadn’t gotten over each other. I mean, okay, they were in love, but I felt that the relationship developed too fast etc and therefore she should’ve been over him by then because the feelings weren’t deep due to time or something?Whatever.

Also, I just want to say that I think the name ‘Latino Bloods’ is pretty lame. I mean, just because the members of the gang are of Latino blood, doesn’t mean that the gang an be names that. The word ‘blood’ does t make anything sound fiercer, and honestly, she could’ve been more creative with the names.

I actually have a dislike of the name Brittany, I feel as if it’s a prissy name for a bitchy girl – with no offense to anyone. One thing I need to have in a novel is a like of the characters names, otherwise I don’t enjoy it as much. On the other hand, I have a weakness for hot bad boys and Alejandro definitely meets that criteria – his character and his bad boy aura, and his words/actions at the beginning of the novel is what pretty much made it for me.

Overall I felt that the story was pretty cliché in the having-to-forcibly-be-partners-on-a-project-and-then-falls-in-love-after-getting-over-their-hate department. Alejandro saved it for me, and so did the epilogue. I do love epilogues about a couples’ children, and I actually wouldn’t mind reading another story about Paco Fuentes and Alejandro as a dad.

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