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Review: Matched (Trilogy)

So I don’t reckon this will be a long review, because I’m just going to be very blunt and group all these books together in one go. Matched, Crossed, and Reached by Allie Condie were pretty dull

The concept of the ‘Society’ and all it’s going ons and rules and such sounded interesting at first and it’s what drew me into reading the book. I read the entire trilogy and I’m not even 100% sure why, by the end of the first book, I was pretty bored. The events of the entire trilogy was really not that interesting at all. There were so many secrets within the society and everyone was so very oblivious and there was literally no action at all. The entire trilogy was leading up to this thing called the ‘Rising’ which was pretty much a coup. This so called Rising was so anti-climactic that I was confused as to whether it actually happened or not. It was such a smooth takeover that it should’ve just been called ‘The Power Switch’ instead of the ‘Rising’. If you want to know about a real rising, look up the 1917 October revolution in Russia. Or even the 1905 one in Russia, which could hardly be called a revolution but was more of one that this ‘Rising’ was.

And the love story. Typical star-crossed lover style. Ugh. There was a goddamn love triangle. No. This was probably one of the worst love stories that I have ever read. There was no description at all and I had to re-read sentences to actually realize that Ky and Cassia had kissed. Poor Xander was just there on the side, still full of hope and adding some un-needed, almost non-existent drama. I just wish that there was more action or something more exciting in this love story, it was so boring.

However, there was a good point, which was that Conde’s writing style (except for the lack of description) was pretty good. And also the world building wasn’t too too bad.

So I thought that Cassia as a character was hella annoying. She was such a goody-goody and was so oblivious to pretty much everything. I’m still not even sure what it is, I just didn’t really like her. And Ky, I liked him more than I liked Cassia, but even then I felt like there wasn’t really any depth to his character at all.

In my opinion, the second book Crossed, was the best in the series just because it had more action than the rest. Overall as a series though:

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