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Review: Darkfever

Alright, so lately I’ve been in a reading slump of sorts where I just haven’t been interested enough to start a book or even finish one for the past couple of weeks or so and I don’t even know why, I’m disappointed in myself. Anyways, there is this girl on Goodreads whose reviews I follow seeing as we kind of have the same taste in books, and I saw she reviewed a book called Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning, and she gave it a five-star rating, so I thought that I’d give it a go.

At first, I wasn’t really into it, and I just couldn’t get myself into it, but I happened to have this two hour break where I literally had nothing else to do, so I just read it, and I enjoyed it. Also, what kept me interested in finishing the book, is this review; it’s short, but I wanted to feel the same way about the book that she did – and I did. In her words, “ I wanted to sandwich myself between Jericho Barrons & V’lane (preferably naked).”

So I only had one dislike of main protagonist MacKayla Lane, and that was the fact that she was kind of up herself, and was very obsessed with her appearance. I’m not saying that that’s a bad thing, but I just thought it got annoying, reading about her clothing choice and whatever she thought about herself. Other than that, I thought Mac was a pretty strong lead, simultaneously dealing with her sister’s murder and the fact that she isn’t human and that there is a whole nother world besides her own.

Speaking of world-building, I actually thought that the world-building within this novel was fantastic. Moning did a really good job in building another fantasy world without leaving a single hole. The world was very real and I had no trouble feeling like it existed alongside the human one. So in this novel, we don’t see very much of any other character except maybe Jericho Barrons. However, the character development of Mac was pretty well done. As a reader, you could see the changes in Mac from the moment she got the phone call that changed her life. Personally, I’m glad she is developing into something more badass, I couldn’t really deal with the preppy pink shit anymore.

Jericho Barrons is kind of the typical male protagonist in these kinds of stories. Six foot something, very solidly built, very attractive, and a little bit of a smartass. I also do not know why he still keeps calling Mac “Ms Lane”, I find it annoying and it’s not even my name, so I’m pretty sure Mac is pretty annoyed. Anyways, we don’t get to know much about Barrons, he’s pretty much just there, existing, and showing off when Mac gets into trouble. Also can we just talk about V’lane for a moment? He pretty much only appeared in this novel twice, but both those times were very very hot, and I just hope Mac gives in (or I could give in for her).

Anyways, this book was a nice mix of mystery, fantasy, and even just a small touch of romance. I enjoyed it a lot, and I’m glad that I ended up finishing it.

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