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Review: Goddess of Spring

​So I read this one on the recommendation of my girl Nins who was like “oooooo Persephone and Hades are my favourite pairing ever” and I kinda thought that if the story was done right, in a certain way, that it would be really good. Goddess of Spring by P.C Cast was not what I had hoped it would be.

I felt as if it were just an average story, you know, apart from the Greek Mythology and stuff, but although I read this book really fast, I wasn’t very into it. Where is the sexy, hot, dominant, evil Hades I wanted? Not in this story. The only thing I really did like was the concept of the switching bodies – that made for an interesting read.

The character of Lina was pretty good actually, she was a baker and an owner of a bakery, which just happens to be in a debt that she cannot afford to pay. Enlisting the help of Demeter, Lina pretty much gets thrown in the Underworld with Hades. I liked her curiosity and her endless questioning, and I felt that she was a strong character I guess. I don’t even know what I’m trying to say. Anyway, I just like her character I guess, she’s average. I also liked the fact that Cast made Lina a middle-aged woman instead of a young early twenties girl (even though I would’ve preferred that?).

Okay, so in this novel, Hades was portrayed as the God of the Underworld, who despised everyone else (like), was dark and hot (like), and a non-dominant male with no sex life and male arrogance (did not like). I myself love characters like Jason Fielding, and pretty much all males who are arrogant, sexual, dominant, and very very hot. However, although I didn’t like it as much, I did like the fact that once again Cast went against the stereotypes and created Hades this way – as the one who waits for love.

Overall, the story concept was interesting, but I don’t think I liked it as much as I thought I would – I just think that I wish it was hotter.

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