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Review: Warprize

So I’ve hard Warprize by Elizabeth Vaughan on my to-read list on Goodreads for a while now, and as I was scrolling through said list looking for something to read, I came across this one and decided to see if I could find an epub online. I did find one and I was super keen to read it as the premise was something I hadn’t really read before.

To sum it up, Warprize is about a girl who is part of the royal family and I guess is taken hostage or as a ‘warprize’ by the invading army who have practically won the war, to ensure peace. However all is not as it seems and there is a whole lot of politics and stuff involved, but I was still interested.

I feel like the world-building was pretty good on Vaughan’s part – the background and the customs and such of the Firelanders seemed super cool, different, and seemed to require a lot of thought in terms of how to create a society or a tribe of people. I was super interested to find out more about these people and their customs and just way of life in general.

So Xylara (dumbass name and dumbass way of naming but oh well) was the main protagonist in this book. She is the daughter of a royal and a Master Healer. She’s very good at her job and she’s determined to do right and heal everyone possible. She’s pretty stubborn and even though at times it was super annoying, I guess it was more of a good trait than a bad one.

When we first met Keir, he was kind of just a random dude, but a warrior of the enemy. And I thought a bit on that meeting between Keir and Lara and honestly it had to be there for a reason right? That reason being that Keir was actually the Warlord? Bingo I was correct. As soon as I read the part in which he was revealed to be Warlord, I was laying in bed and was like “called it.” Anyways I think Keir of the Cat was super sexy and just hot in general.

Also I grew to love the supporting characters as well, especially the ones gurading her and such. Like aww Prest and Rafe, Epor and Isdra, Marcus and Gils, and Joden. I look very much forward to reading the next in the series and learning about the interesting way of life of those of the Plains.

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