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Review: Scarecrow

This is my second time round reading Matthew Reilly’s Shane Schofield series and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I haven’t read a good fully action packed novel in a while and I’ve missed it. Scarecrow is the third instalment in this series and centres around a bounty hunt and the fight to stay alive.

I know some people will hate on this book because they think the action sequences and scenarios are unrealistic and would literally never happen, but I enjoy the creativity and the far-fetched-ness of them. I’m also super keen on all the different types of planes and guns and weapons and I honestly just enjoy learning about different things.

So seeing as this novel takes place in different parts of the world and contains a lot of weapons and stuff from different countries, Reilly clearly did a lot of research and I’m grateful for it – I don’t like things that aren’t historically accurate, or even just accurate in novels. Like I mean I know it’s a work of fiction, but having real facts and real things makes it just that more realistic and it’s great. The world-building is pretty good and extensive and adds that extra dimension to the novel.

Shane Schofield. He’s probably one of the best characters ever written. His call-sign is Scarecrow, courtesy of the vertical scars that run down both his eyes. First of all, he’s a fully fledged adult (this isn’t YA so it’s nice to have an adult character), and he’s part of the United States Marine Corps – which means he’s a total badass. He’s smart and quick thinking, and he gets himself out of the most ridiculous situations. I actually love reading about it. There are just things I never thought of doing and things that I never thought would work and yet, Schofield (or Reilly actually) has thought of them and they have worked, haha.

Also spoiler alert, but Gant dies. What. The. Fuck. I was waiting for her or someone to somehow get her out of those stocks before the guillotine sliced off her head. But nope, not this time. I was upset because I shipped Gant and Schofield so hard, and my dreams were crushed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for authors killing off people and for there to not be the happiest of endings, but geez, this hit me right in the feels.

Needless to say, I’ll be continuing on with this series.

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