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Review: Wicked

Okay so first things first, I’m really digging this book cover, like honestly jesus.

Anyways, I’ve read heaps of good ol’ JLA, and I was keen on reading some more. So I decided to start on Wicked – it’s got a hot male protagonist, and Fae, which is a good combo so I had high hopes for this novel. I wasn’t disappointed per se, but I wasn’t like, super super into it. Which doesn’t make sense considering the four star rating I gave it, but I guess I might’ve just expected more. Also the ending? Totally called it.

Anyways, the story starts with Ivy Morgan, who is actually compared to Merida in terms of looks. And to me personally I’m honestly not keen on red hair and I have no idea why. That’s not even relevant, haha. Anyways, Ivy’s pretty cool, she’s badass and all and I’m still not sure if I found her annoying or not. I actually liked the fact that she had a secret pet brownie that she named Tink, it just added a depth of character and a cute little comic relief kinda thing. Oh also, I kinda got annoyed at her always going back to her ex Shaun, like okay I get it, he died and it was maybe your fault, but it was also three years ago, maybe it’s time to move on?

And Ren. Whose full name happens to be Renald Owens. Like are you fucking kidding me? What kind of name is Renald? Definitely not one that matches the looks and personality of this guy. Holy jesus that actually annoyed me heaps and the hot factor just went down. Also he was kinda pushy and was straight into the “let’s fuck” kinda stage with Ivy and I’m still not sure how I feel about that. Anyways, he’s part of the Elite which is a secret organisation within the Order, and he’s pretty badass too with a kinda sad backstory as well.

I mean the story itself wasn’t too bad, but it wasn’t unoriginal either (and really, nowadays what story is 100% original?). Like secret organisation tries to stop the Fae taking over the world and fails (kinda) and one of their members is in league with the enemy. Reminds me of Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning a little.

Well I’ll continue with the series and see where it takes me.

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