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Review: Fallen

So they made a movie out of this book and I watched it. Fallen by Lauren Kate wasn’t thaaaaaat bad and I guess it was good enough to make me start reading the books. I’ve never been interested in this series, although I do love the idea of fallen angels and such I just didn’t feel like reading them. My sister has, and she has them all on her shelves and after watching the movie I thought “well why not?” And so I did.

I mean the book wasn’t so bad, but I wasn’t super into them. I think I might be over that typical young adult romance where everyone in the book is younger than me. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a super interesting concept – one of reincarnated lovers and fallen angels. I just think it could’ve been written far far better, especially if it was directed at more of an adult audience.

I kind of did like the concept of the students being a part of a school for the mentally different (without sounding insensitive or offensive). It made for a more interesting back story and setting for this novel. Also I’m over the love triangle thing, it’s just too cliché for me to handle.

The world building wasn’t so bad, but I guess I did kind of get confused throughout the story and it could’ve been written better. The characters required more depth, they were consumed and driven by their love and obsession with each other and it made for a pretty flat storyline and pretty flat characters.

I’ll continue with the series but I don’t have high expectations.

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